Monday, April 30, 2012

A Newer Idea......?

So I’m doing it again, I’m sticking myself to something that I’ll probably not hold up to. HOWEVER! I’m waaaaaaaaay more prepared than last time I did this, so here’s my idea:

I’m going to post an interesting fact every Friday for a YEAR!! I’m excited because I’ve already got some planned out and their pretty awesomeJ!

Oh! (and thanks to my friend Cynthia) I’m calling it Factual Fridays 


So, I’ve started something while I’m doing homework. I’m making little sticky notes with small achievable goals on it. I’m doing this so that I will work harder to get all my work done. However, I realize that even though we strive to complete EVERYTHING we really need to take a step back and look over it all and decide if we really have time to finish it all. Now, I’m not saying that you should say oh Keelin said that I don’t have to finish all of my homework so I’m not going to do it because that’s not what I mean. I’m merely saying that many people ask too much of themselves and expect perfection and we will fail because we aren’t perfect beings. Of course there ARE people who seem perfect because they have like 4.0s and 6 AP classes and what-not, but that just means that their level of “them-time” is different than yours or that their priority is different than yours. My English teacher always tells us that we get an imaginary hammer out and start beating ourselves with it anytime we get papers back, she says that we have to look at what we did correctly and what excelled at because we’re not graded on what we didn’t learn but rather how much we did.
So back on the homework thing, everyone needs to be able to take quality breaks and personal time because without it, stress will build up. This is physically bad because I just learned in AP Biology that short-term stress increases your blood-Glucose level, it increases your blood pressure, and it increases your breathing rate.  So when you’ve got a ton of work , what works for me is getting organized, creating lists, getting comfortable and setting small goals that I reward myself with stickers J. But I also allow myself breaks too, not necessarily procrastination (though sometimes it can lead to that), but something that releases some stress so that I can get more of my work done. So visit my new page called Break Time, you can find it in the side bar in the upper right side or just click here.

Oh! And Happy Monday!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I was talking to my friend the other day over breakfast and we were reminiscing about our junior year and fond memories. I told her I couldn’t believe that this time next year we would have picked a college (hopefully) and began to get ready to move out of the house. Graduation would be upon us and we would be saying good bye. She looked at me and said “you know Keelin, I will definably cry at graduation because you gotta think, most of those kids in our class will be gone after that day and we won’t see them, possibly ever again.” And it’s true. We’ve been going to school with generally the same people for eleven years and that’s more than two-thirds of my life; then in one day, it will be the last.  

I couldn’t believe how quickly this year has gone by, it feels like only yesterday I was starting school and now we’re in the middle of April. You know, life is like that. When we’re little we feel like we’re in school for forever, but then gradually our life begins to move at an unimaginable ferocity and when we’re standing at a peak in our life we look back and can’t believe how far we’ve come.

But I guess life’s like that, with each passing year we come closer and closer to the end of our stories. While we’re young we want to rush through our high school years, but then we’re going to fast once we reach that point in our life that we’re dying to get. It’s weird to think that in just five years I’ll 21, or in ten I’ll 26. Or when I’m watching a movie or show that takes place in high school I’ll “oh when I’m there I’ll do this…” but then I realize that I am there and that’s not even what it’s like. It’s weird to think that I’m sixteen but I don’t feel like I should be older, but I definably don’t feel younger. It’s also weird that I’m now the person that I was scared of when I was in third grade (yes I was scared of high schoolers).

Life just moves quicker as the years go by, and it’s not something I’m excited to go through but I can’t control it! :D

One-Eyed, One-Horned, Flying Purple People Eater

So Monday was an epic fail for me because I didn't post a pick-me up…..but whose Monday is usually fantastic? Anyway, today is actually Tuesday and it is ALMOST the middle of the week. So I have found a pretty cool thing to show you:

This is my new fish, her name is O.P. which actually stands for One-eyed, One-horned, Flying Purple People Eater, but I decided the anagram to that would be very wierd so my friend suggested O.P. She is a beta and she likes her picture being taken. Actually, this pitcure is the only good one I got of her because the rest is her facing me and she looked like a black blob. She sits at my desk and just chills there and she likes to follow my finger when I move it across her bowl. She makes my  mondays special! (even though she's a fish) So here's to all the animals that make our Mondays better than they usually are!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Spring is finally here! Yes, I know that the first day of spring was a while ago but it's the first time I've actually picked some of the flowers in our garden and put them in my room and taken pictures of them, so it's finally spring for me!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Gospel Monday

Powerfull message:

When I saw this, it definably lifted my spirit up and gave me more drive to get through my day. I hope this also does this for you!! Happy Monday!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

BIG Ideas

Super Powers

I’ve always said that if I could have a super power it’d be time control. I think it would be sooooo cool AND convenient to be able to stop time and be able to sleep for a couple more hours. Or I could use it to finish a project that was due the next day. When I was younger, I thought it’d be super cool to stop time and play practical jokes on anyone who was mean to me. What super power would you want to have?? And would you use it for good or evil??

Friday, April 13, 2012

Organic Braid

Hey guys! So as I was surfing YouTube (when I should be working…) I found this tutorial on the channel that taught me how to do the “Katniss Everdeem braid”(I’ll link that tutorial here). It’s called an “organic braid” and it’s super easy and using nothing except your hair!! Seriously, no hairspray, no hair brush, nothing, it’s really cool and here’s the video:

If you want to go to the channel click here!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Have you ever been working on homework and all of a sudden you get this idea about something and you just HAVE to look it up online? Or you’re kinda working a little and you just get distracted? Then all of a sudden you’ve wasted twenty minutes watching YouTube videos while saying to yourself “Oh just this last one and then I’ll go back to homework….well maybe one more…..ok now one more…you know, I could always take a little longer break…” yes, this has happened to me basically every night I sit down and try to do homework even if I’m in my room without internet access or at the dining room table. And I think that it’s a natural thing to do, I don’t know hardly anyone who can sit for a couple hours and ONLY do homework. It turns out I was right! Here’s the video (that I found while I did homework…)

Well! I hope you weren’t procrastinating….but I’m no one to judge!! And I hope you learned a bit more about procrastination!!!! OH and if you thought this guy is pretty funny OR you liked his accent! then here's a link to his channel: charlieissocoollike
now back to homework…..

Monday, April 9, 2012

Late nights.... early mornings

So my Monday was quite an interesting one!!! No, not really. But have you ever noticed that after like 4 diet coke cans your body can simply take no more? Well I have. Last night I was trying to stay up late and finish homework, I definably found my limit…. Sad it’s only four cans L

It’s a good thing though that I had already planned my hair style!!! I know right, the crazy one talking about hair…. Goodness.  But I recently found this channel on the YouTube called LuxyHair!! Now I know I’m going all girly here but it really helped me make a morning after 3 hours of sleep much more manageable!! This is because those two ladies that make hair tutorials only do easy-to-do looks (because they don’t want to hard ones which I totally agree!!!) that require hardly anything besides a hair brush, bobby pins, elastics and occasionally an iron of sorts. They have looks from everyday to messy to formal and prom. I really appreciate their videos and you should look them up!!! Just click on LuxyHair and be amazed!!

This hairstyle is the one Katniss Everdeem’s braid or simply a dutch braid. I’ll link the video to that here.

I hope this helps for future Mondays or other little-sleep mornings!!!

Jesus Music

so I really like some of Owl City's songs

But I wasn't really expecting this

I kinda like it