Monday, April 30, 2012


So, I’ve started something while I’m doing homework. I’m making little sticky notes with small achievable goals on it. I’m doing this so that I will work harder to get all my work done. However, I realize that even though we strive to complete EVERYTHING we really need to take a step back and look over it all and decide if we really have time to finish it all. Now, I’m not saying that you should say oh Keelin said that I don’t have to finish all of my homework so I’m not going to do it because that’s not what I mean. I’m merely saying that many people ask too much of themselves and expect perfection and we will fail because we aren’t perfect beings. Of course there ARE people who seem perfect because they have like 4.0s and 6 AP classes and what-not, but that just means that their level of “them-time” is different than yours or that their priority is different than yours. My English teacher always tells us that we get an imaginary hammer out and start beating ourselves with it anytime we get papers back, she says that we have to look at what we did correctly and what excelled at because we’re not graded on what we didn’t learn but rather how much we did.
So back on the homework thing, everyone needs to be able to take quality breaks and personal time because without it, stress will build up. This is physically bad because I just learned in AP Biology that short-term stress increases your blood-Glucose level, it increases your blood pressure, and it increases your breathing rate.  So when you’ve got a ton of work , what works for me is getting organized, creating lists, getting comfortable and setting small goals that I reward myself with stickers J. But I also allow myself breaks too, not necessarily procrastination (though sometimes it can lead to that), but something that releases some stress so that I can get more of my work done. So visit my new page called Break Time, you can find it in the side bar in the upper right side or just click here.

Oh! And Happy Monday!!!

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