Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Have you ever been working on homework and all of a sudden you get this idea about something and you just HAVE to look it up online? Or you’re kinda working a little and you just get distracted? Then all of a sudden you’ve wasted twenty minutes watching YouTube videos while saying to yourself “Oh just this last one and then I’ll go back to homework….well maybe one more…..ok now one more…you know, I could always take a little longer break…” yes, this has happened to me basically every night I sit down and try to do homework even if I’m in my room without internet access or at the dining room table. And I think that it’s a natural thing to do, I don’t know hardly anyone who can sit for a couple hours and ONLY do homework. It turns out I was right! Here’s the video (that I found while I did homework…)

Well! I hope you weren’t procrastinating….but I’m no one to judge!! And I hope you learned a bit more about procrastination!!!! OH and if you thought this guy is pretty funny OR you liked his accent! then here's a link to his channel: charlieissocoollike
now back to homework…..

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