Tuesday, April 24, 2012

One-Eyed, One-Horned, Flying Purple People Eater

So Monday was an epic fail for me because I didn't post a pick-me up…..but whose Monday is usually fantastic? Anyway, today is actually Tuesday and it is ALMOST the middle of the week. So I have found a pretty cool thing to show you:

This is my new fish, her name is O.P. which actually stands for One-eyed, One-horned, Flying Purple People Eater, but I decided the anagram to that would be very wierd so my friend suggested O.P. She is a beta and she likes her picture being taken. Actually, this pitcure is the only good one I got of her because the rest is her facing me and she looked like a black blob. She sits at my desk and just chills there and she likes to follow my finger when I move it across her bowl. She makes my  mondays special! (even though she's a fish) So here's to all the animals that make our Mondays better than they usually are!!

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