Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I was talking to my friend the other day over breakfast and we were reminiscing about our junior year and fond memories. I told her I couldn’t believe that this time next year we would have picked a college (hopefully) and began to get ready to move out of the house. Graduation would be upon us and we would be saying good bye. She looked at me and said “you know Keelin, I will definably cry at graduation because you gotta think, most of those kids in our class will be gone after that day and we won’t see them, possibly ever again.” And it’s true. We’ve been going to school with generally the same people for eleven years and that’s more than two-thirds of my life; then in one day, it will be the last.  

I couldn’t believe how quickly this year has gone by, it feels like only yesterday I was starting school and now we’re in the middle of April. You know, life is like that. When we’re little we feel like we’re in school for forever, but then gradually our life begins to move at an unimaginable ferocity and when we’re standing at a peak in our life we look back and can’t believe how far we’ve come.

But I guess life’s like that, with each passing year we come closer and closer to the end of our stories. While we’re young we want to rush through our high school years, but then we’re going to fast once we reach that point in our life that we’re dying to get. It’s weird to think that in just five years I’ll 21, or in ten I’ll 26. Or when I’m watching a movie or show that takes place in high school I’ll “oh when I’m there I’ll do this…” but then I realize that I am there and that’s not even what it’s like. It’s weird to think that I’m sixteen but I don’t feel like I should be older, but I definably don’t feel younger. It’s also weird that I’m now the person that I was scared of when I was in third grade (yes I was scared of high schoolers).

Life just moves quicker as the years go by, and it’s not something I’m excited to go through but I can’t control it! :D

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