Saturday, March 24, 2012


If god was the original, the *ALL MIGHTY* why doesn't he just use his power to vanquish all evil, and kill the devil himself... :/

Religion was founded for human principle, morals, ethics. Shows people a lifestyle of peace and how we should be with one another. Nothing more. Nothing less.. No Holy Ectoplasm man, No green fields and white clouds.. Just earth, and a silly idea.

Oh, come one you people can't seriously believe in gods. Deep down you know you're living a lie. If you're so afraid of living a life without a guiding hand, look it up. Test it. See just how plausible creationism is. If you have undeniable proof, call me.

But for now, get over the fact that the universe does not revolve around these random, conscious arrays of atoms living on an insignificant hunk of rock. The stars are where we were born and I pity those who cannot grasp that.

and if god is so poweful, loving and all knowing, then whyy doesnt he prevent events like the killing of 6 million jewish people. doesnt prevent 9/11 or 7/7 bombings. Doesnt give us world peace and no war.

yeah. sure god is real. Ill believe that when I see proof.

This is why god isn't real

Religion creates conflict ALL THE TIME. Do we need to go down the list of wars that happened because one religion wanted to eliminate the other? It'll take a while. And yet, you cannot do the same for atheism. If an atheist does good it is because they want to do good, not because there is a Sky Cop watching all their actions or they're worried about the afterlife. Secular humanists did not systematically rape children for decades and try to hide it. Catholics did.

According to the word of God in the Bible,God is a spiteful, vindictive killer.

We have evidence for the Big Bang. The cosmic microwave background radiation at the edge of the observable universe is a fingerprint of the Big Bang.

That is not 100% conclusive, but a very solid start. We have to go further, with better technology, but we will find the answer. And even if the big bang theory turns out to be inaccurate: the god answer would still be for lazy pricks who don't care for research or truth.

This video right here pisses me of, you wanna know why it pisses me off? That so much people have separated from honesty. That people still seriously believe in all of these outdated, irrelevant religions. And spend so much money, and have so much money on such a waste of time on an invisible, imaginary man in the sky. When we could all join together as part of this universe to learn about this universe. But no us as a humanity still are in such ignorance of this beautiful cluster of galaxies.

I believe religion is for people who are too scared or ignorant to understand the complex mechanism of our universe. Compare how much things you use that science has made possible to use. If there is a God, you won't be needing a hospital to heal yourself. Or to move you around in cars

The good news for you, is that we haven't ruled out the existence of a God, but we'll believe it when we see it.

What all these comments tell me is how mean some people are, and while this is only the comments about how God DOESN’T exist, there are some from Christians, who have such a high and mighty state of mind. They go around, hopefully with good intentions, and say that those others are stupid, ignorant, small-minded and, stubborn. But how can they say those things when they themselves are being just as stupid, ignorant, small-minded and stubborn. God created fee-will, for what is love if you cannot choose to give it? God sees and knows all that goes on down here and it sickens me that we are squabbling about things that we will never understand or be completely sure on. Why shouldn’t people be entitled to their idea? Why can’t people believe that there isn’t a God or believe that there is? What is so very wrong about people who believe they were created by a higher being? Isn’t that something to look forward to? The BIBLE says that God loves us so very dearly and that He sent His only son to die on a cross to say of from our sins. The Bible also says that He will punish those who don’t follow His law. I can see both sides, I’ve tested both out for myself. My opinion doesn’t matter, it shouldn’t matter what my religious standing is, what matters are the words that flow from my mouth. I can make them harsh and commanding, I can plead and beg, I can bring tears to the eyes and I can speak for what I believe. But i’m not speaking about that, I don’t understand why people can’t say what they believe in without getting crap thrown in their faces. We should all take a step back from our own point of views and see that all of us have things that make us who we are. I love God, but I also love science. I think the two go hand in hand. Science is the explanation to what God has done. It explains, to the very smallest cell, how perfectly God created the Earth. But why should I judge someone who doesn’t also believe that? Where is it in my right to say that they are wrong when they have just as much heart in it as I do? God wants everyone to believe in Him, and I will die fighting for that cause in whatever I do, but I won’t force someone into loving Him as I do, that wouldn’t save them. Love is something that can never be controlled; people love others who hurt them. Like I said, I believe God gave us free will because He wanted to be loved by His children, but He wanted us to make that choice, for ourselves. So I won’t judge someone who doesn’t see my faith or understands my faith because you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.
And do you want to see what all those comments were on? It was on the video below. What you take from this video is comepletely up to you and that's how it should be.

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