Friday, September 30, 2011

Amazing Grace

I absolutely adore this song and I love singing it. I think it's a great way to end the week with this song in my head and I hope you agree. My prayer is that you allow the Lord to loosen your stresses and that He comes into your life the weekend and brings a great and amazing refreshment.

This last week my house was broken into. These people pried our back door open with a crow bar. I thought I had left the door open until I saw the damage, they took a couple things that were replaceable; however, my mom lost things very near and dear to her heart and she was very upset. I was so thankful that my camera wasn't stolen and I prayed to God that we would be able to find my mother's jewelry boxes. I sadly have little hope in this but I know that everything that God has taken from us he will give more than we know. With every bad thing that happens I try to look at a bright side and when I can't see any good I ask God to show me what He is trying to teach me or I wonder what great thing He will show me.

I might be frustrated at the people who came into our house and took things, I know that if I did have something stolen I might not say what I'm about to say but I wish I do. I hope that whoever did it needed it, that they didn't do it out of spite and that they had a good reason for it. I'm not justifying it at all but I do hope it wasn't just because they felt like it. I pray that God will bring my mother's things back but I also pray to thank him for all the things they COULD have stolen but didn't, things right next to stolen item s that would have cut even deeper than what they did. Sometimes I wonder what their situation might be if they must stoop to do something like that and so I want to pray for them as well that their life may be changed, that God shows them their wrong doing and that they decide to begin their life anew. Again I am thankful and hope that you're weekend is relaxing and that God releases stress.



Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Fuzzy Monday!

Okay, so I know you can’t deny that these kittens are cute and I know that when I see them they do make the edges of my lips kinda curl in what looks like a smile…..i know even on a Monday. I hope you enjoy these little furry friends! They all lived at camp this summer and some were a pain in the behind……. OLIVE!
        Until next dreadful Monday comes!!!

Something New

So I found something that I think would be super extra cool for my blog. You see, my friend Morgan also has a blog (she’s actually the one who I found this from) and she does these awesome special days where she posts something extra different or yummy and stuff like that. So I’ve been pondering that and I’ve decided to do something like that (if you haven’t guessed already). I will apologize ahead of time for all the mistakes I make and hope you will still enjoy coming. Thanks Morgan!!

        (p.s. her blog is called snapography and she has an amazing blog that i recommend you visit!!)

So we all know that Mondays usually pretty much suck. Today it’s raining and cold and gray. BUT that doesn’t mean we can’t remember or see cool things in our Mondays that can’t give a little hop to our step. Every Monday I’ll post something that made my day a little happier, in a picture, verse, video or song I will hope to make your Monday just a little smoother than usual!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Gift of Water

Today during Pastor’s sermon he talked about Mathew 20:1-16. It’s a whole big story that, to tell you the truth I don’t really like. The story goes basically like this: there was a man, a master of his house, who took on workers to work in his vineyard. He agreed with them that he would pay each of them a denarius (a denarius is just a day’s pay; it was how much a master would pay a worker that worked for a day. It’s not enough to put aside and save up and it won’t pay for the mortgage but it will keep you fed and alive).  So these men begin their day and work in the vineyard and the master goes into the market. As he was strolling down this market he notices a couple of guys just standing around and he asks them why ( I mean wouldn’t you like to know too?) and they say to him that they don’t have a job. Well, why do you think they don’t have a job? Well their answer to the master was that simply no one had hired them. So being a generous guy and all he tells them that they could go and work in his vineyard and he’d pay them. So they go and begin their work in the vineyard with the other workers. The master kept walking and he find more men just standing around and asks them what they’re doing (needless to say he keeps doing this).

On the final hour on the work day, at the 11 hour he finds a couple of guys again and he asks them what they’re doing and they of course answer nothing because no one had hired them. Well the master does what he’s done before and hires them to work in his vineyard even though there’s only an hour left to work. But they go and they begin their work in the vineyard.

So finally the day ends and the master tells his foreman to bring each man in according to the hour he began his work from the last to the first in to get paid. So the foreman does as he’s told and brings in the men who were hired the eleventh hour to get paid and he pays them a denarius. Then the next he pays a denarius and so on and so forth. When the men who began their day at the wee hours of the morning heard what the others were getting paid they got so excited. I mean I would too if I heard that the guys that worked for an hour got paid an entire days worth! That would mean I’d get paid 12X more!!! But of course when has the bible ever been predictable? So the first guys come in and await their money and when the master drops one denarius in their hands they just kind of stand there perplexed. They got pretty upset to say the least and they even asked the master why they were getting paid so little. The master told them that is exactly what they had agreed on at the beginning of the day and that is what he was giving them. He says “Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? Take what belongs to you and go. I choose to give this last worker as I give to you. Am I not allowed to do what I chose with what belongs to me? or do you begrudge my generosity?”

So as I’m sitting in the pew I know that there is some great moral to learn, probably the fact that Jesus puts the last first and the first last (I’d heard that saying before) but I kind of didn’t care because I was also a little upset. For one, the master guy was pretty generous; he must have hired many guys to work in his vineyard. All of didn’t have a job and he gave it to them and then he paid the last guys a pretty good deal, but he didn’t treat the first guys with what I thought he should have. They worked the very hottest and the longest why shouldn’t they be paid at least a little more? Nowadays you wouldn’t see that happening, the workers wouldn’t allow it and they could really do something about it. But then because it’s in the bible we have to look for what God wants to teach us and what he’s asking. So the question is: if someone accepts Me at their deathbed do they have any less right to all the splendors in my kingdom? What makes you any better than them just because you were saved before them? We were created equal; each of us born into this world from our mother’s womb, into different rooms but the general birth is there. And as we’ve grown older there become a division that passes us, some are more athletic, smarter, strong, happier, nicer, meaner, prettier, etc. But to God there is not division we were all created equal forever and ever more. To God we are all his children and there is no line drawn in the sand no matter how invisible it may seem, he punishes us by our one fault and that is ALL of our sinful hearts and we all have disobeyed God. So when you think you have the right to something then someone else, remember that God doesn’t think so and his opinion is law.

Like I said I don’t really like this story but it made be think about the fact that in the end it won’t matter if we are old Christians or new, deep in spirit or not, god sees us as his children and pays us the same wage for which we were given when Jesus dies on the cross for ALL of our sins.

“So the last will be first, and the first last.”

Mathew 20:16