Friday, September 30, 2011

Amazing Grace

I absolutely adore this song and I love singing it. I think it's a great way to end the week with this song in my head and I hope you agree. My prayer is that you allow the Lord to loosen your stresses and that He comes into your life the weekend and brings a great and amazing refreshment.

This last week my house was broken into. These people pried our back door open with a crow bar. I thought I had left the door open until I saw the damage, they took a couple things that were replaceable; however, my mom lost things very near and dear to her heart and she was very upset. I was so thankful that my camera wasn't stolen and I prayed to God that we would be able to find my mother's jewelry boxes. I sadly have little hope in this but I know that everything that God has taken from us he will give more than we know. With every bad thing that happens I try to look at a bright side and when I can't see any good I ask God to show me what He is trying to teach me or I wonder what great thing He will show me.

I might be frustrated at the people who came into our house and took things, I know that if I did have something stolen I might not say what I'm about to say but I wish I do. I hope that whoever did it needed it, that they didn't do it out of spite and that they had a good reason for it. I'm not justifying it at all but I do hope it wasn't just because they felt like it. I pray that God will bring my mother's things back but I also pray to thank him for all the things they COULD have stolen but didn't, things right next to stolen item s that would have cut even deeper than what they did. Sometimes I wonder what their situation might be if they must stoop to do something like that and so I want to pray for them as well that their life may be changed, that God shows them their wrong doing and that they decide to begin their life anew. Again I am thankful and hope that you're weekend is relaxing and that God releases stress.



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