Monday, October 10, 2011

Rainy Days

So happy Monday the 10th and I just want to stop and ask:

        How are you? How’s your week been going? Everything ok and dandy? I hope so!

So yesterday I posted about happiness, the idea which I got from one of my best friend (and other blogger). And I really liked thinking about all those things that give us crap and make our days suck, especially on Mondays. So this Monday I’m gonna go for things that kinda calm us down a bit, make us relax and breathe. And you know what? My Monday hasn’t been the prodigal day-off from school. I got up early and had to go to the doctor’s for a physical.  I got two shots and blood drawn and all in my right arm so I bet you could maybe see my discomfort, but I got to hang out with my friend Amanda. So it was ok. As I sat down to do some homework I got on YouTube too (I know what a great way to start homework) and I was watching this video and in one the comments it said to go to “rainy mood” on Google and click the first link and then listen to the song (“how he loves” by David Crowder band) and it was really cool. So click some  rainy stuff and just relax. Also I’ve put some other cool pics below. I love water and what it does to the forest. I love seeing the dreen in maple leave and the brightness of the cloudy sun.  I hope you feel like curling up in a blanket and good book and relax on this Columbus Monday!
another cool thing to listen to:my relaxing day

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