Wednesday, June 29, 2011


We may see each other as someone to converse with or share in the community. By nature, we are social creatures and we need other living creatures to sustain us throughout life. Last night our speaker talked about what our life was made up as, what it is worth, what makes it strong. The fact that we are at a Christian camp makes it very easy to see the answer: It’s Jesus!!!! As for myself I can only hope that our campers really mean it. I can’t say that my life is solely built upon our Lord; however, I know that he plays a tremendous part in it.

            We have been told in our Sunday schools since we can’t remember that we aren’t perfect. That is a fact and the truth, so it’s no wonder that most of us can say that Christ, as a big as a part as he plays, does not occupy every inch of our body, heart, and mind. It even says in Deuteronomy 6:5:

            “You shall love your Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.”                       

            This statement is so straightforward and clear that it makes me want to strive for it! I mean the bible can be sooooo confusing sometimes that a good ‘ol command in plain English is a nice change of pace. But I still can’t accomplish it. As humans and children of our Lord we can never live up to His expectations. Even the bible says in Romans 3:23:

            “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”

            So we know that God knows that we can never be perfect without Him and we also know that He sent his son to save us, and we know that he knew all of this before the very breath of life, heck that’s the basics of Christianity! So why am I trying to connect all of this to what last night’s speaker shared with us? Well the strength in our life has something to do with it (and whether or not you think what I say is strong). The bible says (once again) that Jesus wants to be our all but he knows that that won’t happen with us being sinful and flawed. He gave us free will to show us how much he loves us (sides would you want someone to love you by force or because they want to?). He knew that Adam and Eve would sin and he knew that He would have to send Jesus down to die, but! He created us anyway.

            So. If he created us to love us, then your flaws and the very fact that He ISN’T you center makes Him love you even more because you see, when you confess things you’ve done wrong it shows him that you want to be perfect and great and be able to live up to His expectations (don’t all dads like that?). 

            God is confusing, that’s pretty simple. I personally won’t try to understand everything there is to know because my head would explode and I know God likes to surprise us once in awhile. Why take his fun? He knows we don’t need to know everything so why should He have to teach us all that stuff? That’s pretty strong trust to put into such a mysterious character.

I've been here before, now here I am again
Standing at the door, praying You'll let me back in
To label me a prodigal would be
Only scratching the surface of who I've been known to be

Turn me around pick me up
Undo what I've become
Bring me back to the place
Of forgiveness and grace
I need You, need Your help
I can't do this myself
You’re the only one who can undo
What I've become

I focused on the score, but I could never win
Trying to ignore, a life of hiding my sin
To label me a hypocrite would be
Only scratching the surface of who I've been known to be

Turn me around pick me up
Undo what I've become
Bring me back to the place
Of forgiveness and grace
I need You, need Your help
I can't do this myself
You’re the only one who can undo
What I've become

Make every step lead me back to
The sovereign way that You

Turn me around pick me up
Undo what I've become
Bring me back to the place
Of forgiveness and grace
I need You, need Your help
I can't do this myself
You’re the only one who can undo
What I've become

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